We’ve presented them below proving that sometimes it is really better to consider preferring a rather old editor to a “fresh” one. Some of the “ancient” text-editors such as EMacs or Vi are still alive and have achieved a remarkable level of quality over years. But you’ll also find some rather unknown alternatives which are definitely worth considering when choosing an optimal source code editor. In the list below we present an overview of 35 established or rather unknown - but useful source code-editors you’ll probably find “usual suspects” - your favourite editor or the editor you’ve once been working with. Some editors go even further and offer a complete integrated development environment with numerous features and functions. Powerful modern editors provide developers with syntax highlighting, diff, macros, plugins, code-snippets, preview-option and an integrated FTP-management tool. These features can effectively support you during coding, debugging and testing. However, to make your life a little bit easier, you can use some more comfortable source-code editors with advanced editing features. To edit HTML- and CSS-code you only need a simple plaintext-editor - the rest depends on your skills and your creativity.